Attention! Responsibility for reliability of information containing in posts, advertiser's carry.
Posts are published in the WinNER Base free of charge!
At violation of any point of rules of the publication, the WinNER Base reserves the right to itself to delete any posts, without the prior notification and an explanation of the reasons.
1. There is a possibility to make free posts in WinNER Base.
2. Responsibility for quality (completeness, reliability, urgency) of information containing in announcements, advertiser's carry.
3. Placement of posts of sale and rent of real estate objects is allowed only in the corresponding section.
4. Making post in WinNER Base you confirm the relevance of it.
5. The publication of the posts which contents violates the law of the Russian Federation is forbidden (violence promotion, discord kindling on racial, national, religious, sexual and to other signs, promotion of drugs, a pornography, appeals to violent overthrow of the power and so forth).
6. Simultaneous placement of two and more posts concerning the same transaction with the same real estate object is forbidden.
7. Making posts containing incorrect (not representing the facts or distorted) information on a real estate object, its parameters, the address, cost, realization conditions, contacts, and other data is forbidden.
8. Requirements to photos:
- The photo attached to the text of the post, should correspond to a concrete real estate object and shouldn't be the extraneous image, have insulting or erotic character.
- Placement of a logo of the company or brand as the photo attached to the text of the post is forbidden.
- There must be no URL or any other advertising or contact information on the picture.
9. Afterpublication termin the WinNER Base the post is removed automatically.
10. If contact phone number in the post isn't available within several days, doesn't exist, or is submitted wrongly - the post will be removed, and phone is blocked for advertizing in the WinNER Base.
11. Making a post, you confirm that read, realized and agree to meet rules and conditions of the making posts in the WinNER Base
12. WinNER Base reserves the right to itself to change and (or) to supplement these rules without the prior notification.
13. If you break any point of rules of the publication, the WinNER Base reserves the right to itself to delete or carry to the category irrelevant (brown) any posts, without the prior notification and an explanation of the reasons.
14. The WinNER Base reserves the right to itself not to enter disputes (concerning the rights to sale of real estate object and etc) between advertisers, and also owners and their representatives, similar disputes should be settled by these persons by own efforts and at own expense.